A visual interpretation of Derek Jarman's essay film "Blue".

The essay film is about Jarman's experience with AIDS, leading him to see moments of pure blue as his eyesight deteriorated. His visuals were inspired by International Klein Blue and refrain from symbolism, only displaying a bright blue screen as audio plays over it.
My take on the film is to show what Jarman did not, using every colour but blue. By deteriorating the manuscript as the pages go on, till it is no longer legible, it maps out his slowly decaying sight in a flow of words and shapes. This shows the timeline of Jarman's experience, while also staying true to his nod towards Klein's avoidance of symbolism.
My first version of the book consisted of watercolor paintings with overlaying text, flowing with the patterns in the paint.
I instead opted for the digital gradients due to more control and a smoother gradient between shades.